Tag Archives: salvation

An Outside Basket

The elaborate hoop lake dream
Comes tumbling down the mountain
Where have you been all these years?
The amnesiac returns from surgery

Which one goes in the peg?

He likes when you sing soft songs at midnight

But don’t ever say these three things
His mother didn’t, you see
She works for a demolition crew
So the poor idiot forgets the food he chews

Until it chokes him

Thus, he retired to this suite
To seek salvation from a breakdown

Every time he opens the door
She is staring in his face
And cleaving with a tapestry
Of beauty and disgrace

Go back to sleep my precious
He curls up in a ball
We’ll bounce you up and down the court
And let the ref make all the calls

The Road

Accident or purpose
A baby is born

Its paths are open
Though some get better directions than others

And even despite
Having some idea where to go
There is so much noise and so many colors
It can be hard to keep one’s eyes on the road

The heart is a lonely compass
Nobody wants to be cold
And even the warm arms of a tropical sea
Are not enough to calm your soul

Your only salvation
Is the same as damnation
When your gut fills with passion
And you toss out discretion

And decide on your own
That there just might be…another road